Sunday, September 30, 2012

Logging and Blogging

I have been interning for a few weeks now. And I have learned this, I hate baseball. A big part of my responsibility is to log the games and highlight the key plays. The days that I have gone in have all been days where the Boston Red Sox are playing. I spend most of my time watching the Red Sox lose, and it is very boring to me.

I am a football fan. I can say this because of the four major sports, football, baseball, hockey and basketball, football by far is my favorite sport. I have respect for that game. In baseball, especially the Red Sox, I have lost all respect. Here is why. 


 The Patriots vs. The Red Sox

The New England Patriots are a very classy team. The owner Robert Kraft cares about his players on and off the field. The Red Sox however are the least classy athletes I have ever seen. They drink during games, joke around after they get pulled from games and do not seem to care they are the worst team in baseball right now. 

I have spent way to long watching the Red Sox in the past few weeks. And I am disgusted that at every chance they get, they are celebrating a time when they were winner. On September 25, 2012 for an example, the Red Sox honored the 2004 winning team. Okay that is great, you guys broke a curse or whatever, but the Patriots also won in 2004, and Patriot fans do not need to honor a winning team, because they still are a winning team. The Patriots are still striving for greatness, while it seems to me the Red Sox have given up completely. 

New Stuff With The News

Okay enough ranting about baseball and football. Here are some new things at the studio. First off we got a new producer, named Chad. Chad has previously worked at ESPN and NESN. This is important to me because if I want to continue a career in sports, I can ask him for contacts and network myself.
Other new things that happened this week, the Fox 25 Sports have just created a Titter page. This is exciting because social media is such a huge part in sports it is crazy. You can follow us @FOX25SPORTS. This also means that I might soon become responsible for maintaining the Twitter page. This will give me more responsibility. 

Another new and exciting thing is that I might be able to go into the field soon! The Patriots are playing at home next week and they need someone to go to the game and conduct the locker-room interviews. As of right now they said I can go so I am hoping this is true!! 

Okay that’s all I have for now! Maybe next week will be a little more entertaining  blog entry.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Paperwork Turned Into Real Work!

I received an email from the director of human resources asking me to come in and fill out paperwork for my internship at 3:30 on Monday, September 16, 2012. I thought I was going to go in fill out the paperwork and be on my way home that was not the case. 

Photo By: Nikki Romanuk
I arrived a little early; I met with the Human resource director and filled out the paperwork. I was then given a quick tour, and told to wait for the producer Mike and the sports anchor Brendan. When I finally met the guys, I was given a desk (which I was excited about having). My desk has a computer and a TV and then asked to sort through tapes. The New England Patriots had lost their home opener the previous night, and I was asked to find the tape of the last time they lost a home opener, which was September 23, 2001 against the New York Jets (our rivals). 

After searching through hundreds of tapes, because nothing is organized, I finally found two tapes labeled “New England vs. Jets 9-23-01”. I later found out the part of the tape I needed was taped over. Imagine my distraught, looking for a tape for an hour to get nowhere. I was then asked to melt the Patriots game. Melting a game is watching the entire game and cutting out highlights of the big plays, the goal is to get a four hour game down to about 25mins. The melt is then used for future highlights and the full game is deleted to make space for future game. 

I am a football fan, so it was a little hard to watch all the mistakes the Patriots made over and over and over again. I did not have time to finish the melt, because the Boston Red Sox were playing that night and I needed to log the game. Logging a game is watching the game and marking all the key plays in the game. Logging a game helps with the melting, but just shows marks, which you later use to melt the game or pull highlights from the game for the news. 

Photo By: Nikki Romanuk
I am not a huge baseball fan, and right now I have very little respect for the Boston Red Sox, so I was not excited about this task. Lucky for me the Red Sox won and I was able to learn how to use the program. The next time I went in, I would also be logging the Red Sox game, and they would lose, not too surprising. 

The atmosphere at Fox is interesting, it is really serious and I sometimes feel that the guys do not really know how to act around me. I mean everyone is friendly, but I feel they are restricted on how to act. My intern hours are 3:30pm – 11:30pm meaning I get home around 12:30am. It is a long day and some crazy hours when trying to balance school. 

Now some interesting things I learned about the news…
1.       There are no hair and makeup people. I thought this was interesting because I always assumed that anchors had people help them look camera perfect! But that is not the case; the anchors make themselves look perfect!
2.       Anchors wear purple during election time. I guess I noticed the purple but did not make any connections. The reason for anchors wearing purple is because it is considered a neutral color. When you mix red (republicans color) and blue (democrats color) you get purple (the in between non-bias color).
That is all I have for right now, I am hoping to learn more stuff this next week an write out some highlights, until next time!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Introducing me!

When you are looking for an internship you have to go through the interviewing process. To prepare for the interview you think about questions they might ask you and how you might answer those questions. I never got asked this question but I had the perfect answer. 

So here it is, who your role model is? My answer would have been simple, Tom Brady. I know we are nothing alike, I mean he is a professional athlete and I can barely walk. He is very tall and I am barely average height for my age, but I look up to his character. Tom Brady is the true story of an underdog. Most people see Tom as one of the best quarterbacks of all time, a future hall of famer, but what they do not see is the story of a man who never gave up on his dream, a man who still works hard for his dream. 

Brady went unnoticed in college being a backup for his four years of college ball. He was only asked to step in when the team was losing. But Brady was able to prove himself time and time again and dig his team out of a ditch and win games. For some reason he was over looked. Then came time for Brady to enter the NFL draft, Brady waited with his family through all the rounds waiting for his name to be called. Round one went by, followed by round two and three. Brady began to give up hope on his NFL dream. Finally, in round six number 199 the New England Patriots drafted Tom Brady. 

Brady still had to prove himself. He followed in the steps of Drew Bledsoe for years before getting a chance to shine. Tom never gave up hope though, one of my favorite stories is Brady running into Robert Kraft (the team owner) and telling him that he would not regret drafting Brady. Imagine telling your boss that you will do what you can to make a difference on the team! Brady got his chance to prove he was great when Bledsoe went down with an injury. Since then Brady works hard to always improve, even though he has won three Super Bowls!

How does Brady relate to me? I feel a lot like Brady, overlooked at most things waiting for the opportunity to shine. I have always seen myself as something special just waiting for my big moment. I like Brady have been working hard at my dreams, hoping one day I too will get my big break!
I clearly love sports. So it is no surprise that I tried to get my internship at Fox Sports in Boston. I had interviewed over the summer, and waited for a response. After about two weeks of waiting I interviewed with a Boston radio station as a member of the promotions team. I heard back from the radio station within a week and was getting ready to accept the internship, when fate stepped in and I received an email from Fox.

 Excited and torn I had to weigh my options. Would I be brave enough to try and make it into a man’s field, to try to make my mark on sports? Or would I take a safe route and take the promotions internship I knew I would do well in. After many sleepless nights I decided to take a leap of faith and accept the internship with Fox! 

So this blog is going to be my journey as a girl intern trying to make it in a sports field.