Thursday, October 11, 2012

From Tour Buses to Locker Rooms

picture of my press pass
I had got asked to the Patriots versus Broncos game on Sunday October 7, 2012. This game was a big match up because of the quarterbacks Brady versus Manning. I was excited to finally see a football game the way the press watches game. I was even more excited to be at the game and watch it from inside, the weather on this day was supposed to be rainy and cold. I went down to the game with my father and his friend who had tickets to the game. I then looked for a media shuttle bus to connect with the camera man Walt and the anchor Brendon.
Took this photo from the press box
Finding the media shuttle was an experience, none of security knew what the heck I was talking about. Finally I just walked over to Walt and Brendon to the media lot. We then made our way around the back into the stadium, where the players locker rooms are. Before going into the stadium all of our bags had to be searched by dogs. I was nervous about this, not that I had a bomb or anything bad but I did have a banana in my bag and was worried it would set the dog off. After security assured me it would not I was okay. We then walked out near the field to drop off some of the equipment. I say some because Walt says you should never leave your camera just in case there are thieves in the area. You can never be too careful.
My camera guy Walt
Before I go on I should tell you about Walt. Walt is not a big guy, but he has a huge personality! Walking with Walt is like walking with a player, everyone stops him and says hi and chats with him. Walt is also not a Patriots fan so he talks a lot of smack, but makes it so much fun. Okay so after we drop the equipment off we get onto an elevator. The weird thing about the elevator is that there is a lady who rides the elevator and uses a key to bring people to the floor they wish to go on. The elevator is something you see in rich hotels, so that was interesting to me.
Steve Burton, he does not know I took this pic
We get off on the blue floor, where there is food and drinks for us. Walt knowing everyone gets us a table and sits us right down! He then grabs food, a ton of food. He is a pro and knows what is good and what is okay! While sitting down and eating, I meet a ton of reporters including Steve Burton. If you are not familiar with Steve Burton, he is a sports anchor for CBS and also the Patriots anchor. He travels with the team and covers all of the games! I want his job!! Meeting him was amazing he is seriously the nicest guy I have ever met. I spent half time talking to him and picking his brain about what it takes to make it in this industry. I also asked him how he made it.

I should also tell you that on the blue floor is the instant replay box, where the plays are reviewed and a box for the inactive players. The security guard, Paul was joking with me about how he tries to slip money under the replay box door to get the plays to be called the players way! After we all ate, Walt had to make his way to the field for the game. Brendon and I made our way to the press box and found our seats. All seats are assigned, but Brendon and I got to sit next to each other. Brendon warned me of the one rule in the box, NO CHEERING! This is very hard to do if you are a dedicated fan like me. I sat and watched the game tweeting all the great plays and holding my breath so I would not scream.
Brendan, this is from his profile
After the game we had to make our way to the locker room for interviews. Before Brendon and I made out way down there, we figured we would stop at the bathroom. When I was walking toward the bathroom, someone ran into me, almost knocking me over, trying to get my regain my balance I hear Brendon say, “DO you know who just ran into you? John Elway!” sure enough I was ran into by the Broncos owner and former quarterback John Elway.

Coach in a press conference
Going back on the elevator to the media room was not fun. They sort of heard the media people on the elevator like cattle. We were all squished in and made a mad dash to the locker room. Now I know it is every girls dream to go into the locker room, but I will tell you I was not prepared for this at all. And I am not sure I would have ever been prepared for this. First we find Walt in the media room and wait for Bill Belichick to come out and talk to us. Then we decide to make our way into the locker room to get other interviews. I should tell you that I have interviewd Adam Levine, Jonnah Hill and other well known names with out a problem, but the locker room was a whole differnt game!

We were waiting for a player when all of a sudden I, yet again get run into. This time by a wet body, I looked to see who it was this time and there he is, my favorite player, the one I have the biggest school girl crush on, Rob Gronkowski. Now I am going to keep this blog PG so I will just say that I saw his tight ends and he is a whole lot of man! I actually saw a ton of other players backsides and there is no butts about it, I was in way over my head. If I was not fighting the hardcore men in the media, I was dodging the players.
Tom Brady, post game press conference
We soon left the locker room and went back to the media room where Vince Wilfork, Tom Brady, and Wes Welker all talked to the press. I got to say hello to the players and made sure they saw me. Brendon had to write up some stuff so Walt and I packed up and walked back to the van. I was going to shoot some stuff outside the stadium, but I left my notebook with Brendon.
I am looking forward to the next time I can go into the stadium and cover the game. I will know what to expect, and be able to keep my composure! Until next time guys!

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