Thursday, October 11, 2012

Breaking News: Bobby V is Fired

Today was a stressful day at Fox 25 Sports, Bobby Valentine the manager of the Boston Red Sox was fired!. I first found out about the firing on my drive into the studio. The firing was not unexpected, having a season full of losses; you should lose your job. This is exciting for me. Why would someone losing their job be exciting? Well it makes a good sports story.

Brendon the anchor was at Fenway when I arrived to the station. Since there will be no formal press conference from the Red Sox, Brendon was able to get an interview, leaving the producer Chad running around and me here trying to hold up shop. This includes answering phone calls and calling other stations.
Now I know answering phones is pretty easy, but being an intern, you do not get a lot of information so I did not know any answers to the questions I was being asked. I had to return a phone call to the LA office, which is all good about our interview and getting the information out to their station, but I realized I had no idea how to make a call out. Office phones are all set up to call people in the office, and no one told me how to make an actual call! I did not want to let anyone down so I went for a walk to find someone in an office to help me out.

I ended up talking to one of the managers and someone working in financial office, which helped me out. This means that I also got to get my name out there to other people in the office. Not a bad thing. I was able to return the call, with little to no information to the guy in LA. I feel bad about that.

My task was go through an interview that some reporters got on the street from Bobby V. I basically just had to listen and mark what was said where so the producer can find what he needs quickly. That is a pretty easy basic task for an intern.

The Problem

We have a few new shows, working from 3:30 to 11:30, the 6pm news, the 630 news the 10pm news and the 11pm news. Normally the 6pm news is not an issue, sports does not always make the 6pm news, but on days like today when a BIG sports story hit, we make the 6pm news. That being said, Brendon is still MIA. Well he is not really missing; he is at Fenway waiting for his interview time with Bobby V. Since he does not have a time for the interview, this might mean we have to push the story back. Also the producer will have to work really fast in producing the interview so it is good television. It is a little crazy, and extremely fast, but that is how it works in the news world.

Brendon finally got back to the station around 8ish. He came in talking about how he was the second to last person to get the interview. The Red Sox decided to do individual interviews instead of a press conference, which is a bad idea because everyone wants the same story and people that have to wait get screwed in their news story. Brendon knew he was one of the last people to get an interview and he tried to joke around with the owners by saying “So what can you tell me that you have not told anyone else?” they did not budge.
Once Brendon got back I did not have a lot to do. I got my press pass for the Patriots Broncos game, and headed out a little early. The next day I would be interning, I would be at the game, until next time guys!

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