Monday, December 17, 2012

Good Night Goodbye

Screen Shot from my Anchoring

My last day at Fox was really sad. I had the opportunity to shoot a demo. This means that I would have a chance, after the 6 P.M. News to try and do the sports segment. I arrived at Fox at 5 P.M. and re-wrote the scripts to sound more like the way I talk. Then I had to do what every anchor does, my hair and my makeup. You have to look perfect when on television. 

As time wound down to the show time, I got extremely nervous. I think the best way to describe my feeling is when you are going on a roller coaster for the first time. When you are all strapped in and ridding to the top, you stomach feel nervous and you bladder feels like you have to go to the bathroom. You are sick with anticipation of what is going to happen over the first drop.  You know you will survive, but you cannot help and bee scared. That is how I was feeling. 

Photo By: Nikki Romanuk this is in the Sports Department
I tried to explain that to the boys, but they just made fun of me. Boys just don’t understand. Brendan however did tell me “if you are not nervous, then something is wrong,” that made me feel better.  So the clock was winding down, and my nerves were increasing. I tried just to breathe, and find my confidence. I read over my script over and over again, and waited for my chance.

The 6 P.M. news ended and Ross and I walked down to the control room and got ready. We put our microphones on and talked to the director, Jeremy, who is a friend of mine, and it was show time. Ross, the other intern went first. I should mention that Ross goes to Emerson College and is majoring in broadcast journalism. Something I see as an advantage on his part. Ross has the advantage of working every day in an editing room and every day in front of a camera, I don’t have that advantage being a Communication Arts major. 

Photo By: Nikki Romanuk, of the control room
So Ross went first and did a really good job, which made me nervous. Then it was my turn. It took me a while to figure out where to put my microphone and hook up the ear piece. Something I did not think of. A girl wearing a dress is different from a boy in a suit. They can hook on the microphone and the earpiece onto their pants. I on the other hand, had to put it on the back of my dress, which weighed me down a bit. 

I finally got in front of the camera, and was getting counted in, and then it was show time. I messed up reading the first five seconds in, and had to restart. Then I just began to role with it. Kept up some high energy, and mustered through. I got to try two times. The second time was better because I was feeling more confident. But sadly the recording stopped so I only have the first one and part of the second. 

I am not saying that I am perfect, in fact I am very critical on myself, but I do think I did an okay job. Here is what the final product looks like. Please remember I have a lot of room for improvement.

Overall I just want to say this was an amazing internship. I got to meet amazing people and live out some childhood dreams. I am not sure if sports are my future, but I am glad I completed the internship.
There is just one last quote I want to leave you with from my favorite television show One Tree Hill; “Say what you want about the lavishness of sports in a corporate age, where over paid athletes demand pre-Madonna treatment. But there is still something so unifying in its purist form. Where athletes rise above themselves and touch greatness and in doing so remind us all that we all have greatness inside of us.”  I think this quote sums up my internship, and gives people insight as to why I love sports. For the last time, I am Nikki Romanuk, for Fox Sports

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