Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Things We Used To Dream

When you are a child you dream crazy dreams. You have innocence about you and think nothing will ever stop you from reaching that dream. As we grow up we realize that living your childhood dream is unlikely. Life gets in the way and your innocence is shattered by reality. As a college student getting ready to enter the real world I am realizing the reality of what it takes to make dreams come true. That being said, I am still living out my dreams, one of the last things I got to do with my internship was go to the Patriots vs. Texans football game.

Photo By: Nikki Romanuk
I was really excited about this because I am a huge Patriots fan, as most of you know, and was determined to see that it was like to step onto the field for Monday Night Football. The weather looked grim before the game, although it was an unusual warm 60 degrees, it was also raining. But as Walt and I got to the stadium the rain was slowing down, and I knew something magical was going to take place.

If you follow football the Texans had a winning record of 11-1 and the Patriots had a 9-3 record, everyone knew this game was going to be a good one. 

Darren Haynes took this picture for me!
Walt and I left the studio at 4 P.M. for an 8:15 P.M. game. Considering the game was on Monday Night, we did not want to get stuck in traffic, so we left early. Once we pulled into Gillete Stadium, we unloaded the car and prepared for the night. Walt and I made our way to the field to drop off some equipment, and I could not help myself, and walked out on the gridiron. If you are a football fan, you know how loud a stadium can get, but when I was on the field, there was a peaceful silence. A person, like me could only imagine what the night would lead too, but for that moment, it was nothing but peace.

Walt and I ran up to the media room and got good seats to relax in before kickoff. We had to eat and socialize; I also had time to check out a press conference with Matt Light, a former Patriot player who was being honored. Because we had so much down time, I decided to go down to the field with channel 7’s Darren Haynes. Now that the fans were filling the stadium and the players were warming up, I knew it would be a different atmosphere!! And the word Different was an understatement. The fans took away that peaceful silence and filled it with crazy excitement. I began to feel the rush the players do before the game! Darren and I walked the sidelines and felt the rush of the crowd.

Photo By: Nikki Romanuk
Darren then left me to go upstairs to the press box, when I decided to stay on the field until I got kicked off. Needless to say I did not get kicked off and got to talk to Greg Glassy a camera man for channel 7. I also had some more time to hang out with Walt. The announcer came over the loud speaker and announced the Houston Texans. The players ran onto the field and the crowd was filled with boos! Then the announcer came over the loud speaker and announced the New England Patriots. Fireworks came shooting out, the minute men shot their guns, and the crowd cheered so loud the stadium shook, being on the field for all of that was one of the craziest experiences that only few NFL fans get to experience

After the singing of the National Anthem, the game was about to begin. I stayed on the field for Kickoff memorized, by the gigantic athletes that were in front of me. Something all people should know, up close and personal these guys are HUGE! You would only realize the size of these men if you were close!

After kick off I decided to walk back to the press box and watch the game with Darren, partly because I wanted to see the whole field and partly because I feared for my safety. There was no telling if the players would go out of bounds and where I would wind up. I got up to the press box, which had an unusual chatter. Normally you are not allowed to cheer in the box, but since the Patriots were dominating, and it was Monday Night Football, the media was crazy! Darren pointed out some cool things to me, one of them being a man wearing long bright orange gloves. This is on the field during commercial breaks, so the players know they have to wait before starting a new play!

During the game, I was trying to write my script for my package. Something that was not easy for me to do. I talked to Darren about it, and then ran into Levin Reed, another sports anchor who sounds like Mufasa from the Lion King. After getting advice, I felt ready to go after the game. 

Photo By: Nikki Romanuk Of Patrick Chung
One thing I should mention is I was told to be more confident on camera. I had no idea where I was going to find this confidence, and then I thought back to the film Big Daddy with Adam Sandler, and remembered that I needed magic sunglasses to give me confidence. Now I cannot wear sunglasses on camera, so I decided to go with a necklace my Mother gave me. It totally did the trick. I felt very confident in myself.

Okay, back to the game. The game was over and the Patriots won something I doubted. I had my script written, and was feeling confident. I just had to get some post sound, and meet Walt, and then I would get a chance to shoot. When walking down to the press conference room I ran into an old friend Wayne, which made me, feel more secure about myself. Just a side note, Wayne works for the Sports Hub (a radio station) and I had met him during my intern days at Mix1041 (another radio station). After doing the locker-room stuff, which I was getting really good at, it was time for me to shoot. 
Photo By Nikki Romanuk of Gillette from the field

I had first thought I was going to shoot my package in the parking lot, but Walt took me right out onto the field. I was filled with the joy a young child feels when they are waiting for Santa to come, nervous and excited. So after watch Aquib Talib (a Patriots defensive player) wheel past and smile at me on a golf cart, (he had been injured during the game) I was ready to go. 

What a sound it was to hear my voice echo through the empty stadium. I was reminded of the dreams I had as a child. And decided that I need to keep those dreams, and dream the way we all used to dream. Because keeping that innocence and excitement is such a magical feeling. My dream night had ended, I edited together my package later in the week, and I am proud to share it with all of you. Before I head out, I just want every to think real hard about a childhood dream you once had, and make that dream into a reality, it is truly a blessing to live out your dreams! Nikki Romanuk Fox Sports! 

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