Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Lost in Sports

I wanted to take some time and write about media and on air talent as a business. I know I normally blog about what I have been doing at Fox, but I have yet to blog about how I feel about working in Sports.  

Something I have learned is that Stars are not born. You have to work for everything you want in this life. This means starting off in  smaller markets, places like Wyoming, and "paying your dues" and being good enough to move to different markets. I have had long talks with Brendon about "paying dues".
I have also learned that if something is your passion, then stop at nothing to get it. As of right now, I am not sure sports is my passion. When working in sports, I have felt very insecure, and my selfesteem is at an all time low. Not feeling confident in what I am saying or doing comes off very poorly on camera. Sometimes, when I shoot my packages, I feel like I am a joke. I know I am new at this, but it is still hard to feel confident when it takes you 2 hours to write a 45 second script.

I believe in hard work and positive energy, and Brendon has told me so many times, if I want to be famous and "get my name out there" which is hard for me to get a postive outlook on my negative feelings.
Brendan tells me  I have to be really good. I am also noticing that sports is a serious thing, by serious I do not mean if you mess up you will die, I mean the way people talk about sports is serious, there is no room for a personality and jokes when reporting sports.

I am learning that you are not allowed to be a fan, and have to start being non bias. part of the reason I liked sports, is because I am the fan and i wanted a chance to get to know my favorite teams, this whole non bias thing takes away from the fun of sports.

When thinking of a career path, you have to think about yourself and what you want out of life. something that is important to me is family. I have known at a young age that I want a family. I am noticing in the sports field, it is hard to have a family because of the crazy hours. Most reporters are not married, and if they are, the spouses have to be willing to move around. nothing is final in sports, ratings could change everything.

One final thing, I like to be creative and do different things, and i feel very restricted in the sports environment. Right now I am feeling that sports does not fit into my personality. okay i have got the venting out of the way, the next post will be about Patriots, thanksgiving and other things sports! have a good one guys!

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